I seem to have found my niche over at Veterans Today. I appear to be the columnist in charge of pissing off the proto-Soviets and the Neo-Nazis both, along with being a general irritant to the conspiracy fringe. When one commentator goes off saying how dare I compare Netanyahu's campaign to Dr Goebbels, Goebbels was a fine, honorable model for ethical propaganda, and another starts in on the joys of life under Putin, you realize that life can have meaning. Now, the third character in my piece, the soon to be congressman from Illinois with the atrocious bookkeeping and Downton Abbey style or his supporters haven't weighed in yet. Maybe I can hit the trifecta.
Short Long Story: Re-election of Bibi is one of the worst things that could have happened to Israel, the Palestinians and the Middle East. The right wing, flawless red heifer types in the US are going to be delirious at the approaching Armageddon. Putin is a micromanaging creep because he's a creep and the only things that work in Russia are things he micromanages. He ten day retreat to the Trappist Monastery outside Ekaterinaberg got people panic-stricken because they are subject to panic of not just change but anything that looks like change. And, if Shock had gone for 20th Century Feed Store as a decor as opposed to Downton Abbey's Red Room, the other criminal behavior would probably not have surfaced until he was in the Republican leadership.