how can we fix our inner cities? everyone has a prescription: david brooks prescribes 'social psychology'. (well, psychologists can definitely help with the torture). or yet another round of education reform. more welfare. less. 'jobs'. build housing projects. implode housing projects. decades of failure with all these plans makes no impression at all. here's my prescription: stop trying to fix black people. supposing that you should, or that you know how, is just more racial hierarchy. right? fix yourself, honky. you don't know how folks live, and your picture of how folks ought to live is just that they ought to live like you. work on your own racial attitudes, your arrogance, your presumption that you are yourself the norm, and let people figure out how they ought to live, how they ought to unite in a community, how they ought to raise their children, etc. stop diagnosing people, which is just dishonest, self-congratulatory sneering.
education is the key! however, re-educating black children, or instituting mind control in pre-school under compulsion, is the grossest idea of all. and it would be evil - like kidnapping american indian children and putting them in boarding schools - even if it were effective. but decades of this shit have left you here (my god, d. watkins is everywhere). and here is exactly where my junior high in dc was in 1971. it has left you doing real evil to real children under coercion; it has made our society a prison camp. let go.