trump really is something else. i saw him do the better part of an hour on morning joe this morning. he destroyed the panel of joe and mika, mark halperin and whatshername the bush flack. they were practically choking on their rage: scarborough made a point to cut him off and go to break in a completely gratuitous grandstand. but trump was actually reasonably genial and responsive. he will sit there and take any question, over and over. when people are hostile, he just repeats his poll numbers and seems unconcerned. he's actually remarkably undefensive. if that's a fascist demagogue, it's a new variety. really it's republicans who are freaking out worse than anyone: where is he taking us? (chris cuomo did better on cnn.)
condemning trump this morning is just redundant; everyone is doing it. but yes, we are at some sort of crossroads: quite a scary moment. trump and isis operating in yinyang could really bring the nightmare.
i think the republican field might now consolidate suddenly; i bet there's a round-robin of calls with preibus etc this morning. if it doesn't, it's just egos in a pissing match. i'd say kasich, bush, graham etc better collapse into rubio. christie is plausible, at this security-type moment, but he might be too damaged.