every word out of hillary clinton's mouth is 'strategic,' as in her obsessive association of herself with obama last night. obviously, she would swing completely the other way at another moment; she has before, and she will again if she's the nominee. good god, is she like that at home with the fam or whatever? anyway, i almost don't see how that happens to a person, how you become someone whose words have floated entirely free of a connection to truth or to the self of the person who utters them. it's very much like hearing someone who responds only to the voices in his head, except that has more content. maybe the right response is just pity, or some sort of diagnosis and treatment. if we were all like that, human communication would be a pointless delusion.
Hillary Clinton: Top 5 Contributors, 1999 - 2016
Contributor | Total | Indivs | PACs |
Citigroup Inc | $824,402 | $816,402 | $8,000 |
Goldman Sachs | $760,740 | $750,740 | $10,000 |
DLA Piper | $700,530 | $673,530 | $27,000 |
JPMorgan Chase & Co | $696,456 | $693,456 | $3,000 |
Morgan Stanley | $636,564 | $631,564 | $5,000 |
[source: https://www.opensecrets.org/politicians/summary.php?cycle=Career&cid=N00000019]
and then, according to mother jones, goldman-sachs "has donated between $250,000 and $500,000 to the Clinton Foundation."
and, according to the wall street journal, "Wall Street firms also play a prominent role on the list. Eight firms, including Goldman Sachs and Citibank, paid the foundation between $1.6 million and $3.5 million combined for speeches by Mr. and Mrs. Clinton."
some of the connections of g-s to the treasury department under clinton, bush, obama, and also some of the ways they were involved in the financial collapse of 2008, and some of the ways they benefitted from the trillion-dollar bail-out.
probably, you're going to vote for her because of your deep concern with inequality.