i just don't think hillary and bill can make it back to the white house. you might think the sex scandals have been 'litigated' etc. first off, standards of male behavior have evolved a bit, and when that slobbering mofo corners you these days it doesn't seem all that funny, if it ever did. even 'guys' are finding it harder to wink and laugh and stuff. but anyway, it also just keeps pointing up the atmosphere of privilege, corruption, and self-serving power hunger around the clintons. the thing is, trump is willing to go there, without as it were any pussyfooting around, and he is just killing hillary right now. just the image of hillary with cosby is genius. it's an interesting strategy, and it might be enough to make hillary sag just as iowa and new hampshire kick in. people don't think it will affect democrats. i disagree; picture a general election campaign against trump. no holds barred, baby. and the way he's framing it as an issue of abuse etc actually does make it hard for progressives to give a square defense. i have this funny feeling that bernie is going to flow forward a bit anyway; why exactly is anyone going to go vote for hillary?
it's a little hard to picture bernie as the democratic nominee, much less as pres. somewhere people are thinking about elizabeth warren and joe biden. i just want to point out that mitt romney and hillary clinton are politicaly indistinguishable, whereas ted cruz and bernie sanders couldn't be more different. there should be three parties, just to begin the disintegration.
one really clear sign that the clinton thing is going south for a bit is the barely-suppressed anger of the old clintonistas. i was watching donna brazile on cnn just now: she is reacting in a suppressed rage, and if you think she's a bit flustered, watch james carville or something. honestly, you feel the defensive rage also underneath hillary and bill's non-responses, and now that's all anyone's asking. underneath all that is a terrible anxiety, right back to 1992, 96, etc: what other spike heels might drop? for some reason, noone used this stuff in 2008. but here it comes, baby. and it's only one of many dimensions of clintonian secrecy, corruption, and decadence. the clinton campaign just deployed their secret weapon, bill. watch him now start canceling all public appearances, or at least all opportunities for anyone to ask him any questions whatsoever. it's not going to work out.
i really think that one effect of the trump approach is just to completely undercut or overthrow people who have no content, because people who have no content have no reply. so, it is amazing what he did to jeb; as we'd say in sprts, jeb got 'exposed'; there just wasn't anything there but mumbled catch-phrases. hillary i think withers, maybe with a bit more resilience, under that scrutiny. what the trump attacks and the responses of professional politicians do is just show you that there's nothing there underneath: no person, no commitment, just a fictional public persona, vague as possible. just, as in the jeb case, a tub a goo. but he cannot do that to bernie, exactly, right? because there is a core of belief or reality under there. so, what can debbie wasserman-schultz or whomever do now that the politics she learned and enacted robotically is collapsing around her like a cgi dc?