if i was advising bernie right now, i'd tell him not to run toward obama. run against a rigged system etc, which, to put it mildly, obama did nothing about. run toward the disappointment with obama instead.
wolf: 'you say the republican establishment is against you; why do you say that?" trump: 'honestly, they're coming around, looking at cruz.' ok that's true. is he thinking: oh no if i answer the wrong way i'll lose my anti-establishment positioning? no, he's just answering the damn question. this would have been so easy. so easy for gore or kerry, so easy for mccain, even obama, etc. the thing is: he is killing at the box office with an anti-strategy strategy. i'm tempted to vote for him just so i don't have to listen to that fucking bullshit anymore.
it's amazing to see talking heads grapple with trump. ok 'i could shoot someone on fifth avenue and not lose any votes,' etc. that's what, let's say, jonathan capehart has been saying for months, except that trump's hyperbolic formulation is sharper, funnier, and because it's him, self-aware. but capehart: 'i don't understand how he can possibly say that!' he's offended. then: 'it's true, you know.' hey jonathan: think about how you yourself are thinking about truth in politics. truth for jonathan capehart is what you can't possibly say. actually, i'll take that as a definition: truth is whatever jonathan capehart would not permit you to say.
supposedly hillary has a 'firewall' among minority voters starting in sc. well, someone may in a very superficial gesture have said that bill was an honorary black person, and he could actually preach in a black church. hillary is nobody's wigger. i see that as melting faster than you can say 'criminal justice' and recall bill's contribution to mass incarceration. why was bill prosecuting the war on drugs (=race internment)? it was polling well, the only answer to why either of them does anything. in clinton 2 you better hope your continued existence polls out.
bloomberg is freaking out at the prospect that wall street might lose control of the democratic party. that really would be a deep reconfiguration of american politics.
cruz is on his dip; bad or fatal timing.
i always thought hillary was a pretty good-looking person. lately her face looks like a mask of exhaustion and worry.