i am going to show you some images of an unbelievable stone i just glanced at and pried out of the creek bank in my nearest woods while i was looking for tray material. no number of images can do justice to this thing. all color variations are intrinsic to the stone, not dirt or algae, etc. 9" wide x 7" tall in the first view.
principles of latimore suiseki, all intended to maximize a wabi-sabi aesthetic effect and a zen/taoist spiritual practice. i love the ways the classic japanese stones are treated, and the trays of incomparable craft in which they are displayed. but i think they are incompatible with wabi-sabi aesthetics, or in tension, anyway.
(1) local stone
(2) no treatment of any sort except washing
(3) local, found supports/trays
(4) no stone is permanently installed in any display. many of these stones rest as mountains on several different faces; all must be available.
(5) typically displayed in multi-stone arrangements intended to encapsulate ranges or landscapes.
(6) arrangements should be done quickly and improvisationally, but are revisable at will by anyone who may be around.
(7) to fully appreciate the display, the stones must be handled.
(8) should be displayed outdoors and allowed to continue weathering.