i am nostalgic for the newspaper, of course. that's what goodly portions of both sides of my family did for generations. me too, on and off. one of the places it ain't dead yet is the rural and small-town weekly. i was up in the finger lakes with my sweetie last week, digging the chronicle-express (out of penn-yan). we'd just seen an osprey nest on lakemont-himrod road, where the mama bird was feeding the fledlgings. here's the news from himrod, by howard covert (july 13):
Well I don't know who the individual was, but they get the prize for being the first one to skid on the new re-surfaced road through Himrod. The black skid marks are just before the bridge, you can see where they hit the guard rail, apparently they were trying to be the first into the creek, and didn't make it.
The little Ospreys that hatched out on the Latimore Road are flexing their wings. One of them was standing on the edge of the nest last Wednesday when we went by. It won't be long and they will be on their own and gone.