i admire what ted cruz did last night, and i interpret it as an endorsement of gary johnson. as usual, people want to trap you in a 'binary choice.' i heard a number of republicans say today that a vote for anyone other than trump is a vote for hillary. that is just obviously false, and same with the assertion that a traditional democrat voting for a third party (jill stein, maybe) is voting for trump. so, if i traditionally vote republican and i vote libertarian, that takes away a vote for trump, but does not add one for hillary, which is obviously not mathematically the same as taking away a vote from trump and adding one for hillary. i don't know why i have to keep making this point.
i think it was a good speech. you should check it out if you didn't see it live. it took guts to do that. and what he was saying is that a trump presidency will be disastrous for american freedom and the constitutional tradition. other people can make other criticisms, but that's an important one, and one that 'conservatives' should think about.