if i were speculating on why hillary handled her email the way she did, i'd say she wanted privacy with regard to exchanges with and about bill, as well as, possibly, exchanges with huma or others about anthony weiner, etc. these might be amazingly blistering, as well as revelatory and completely destructive to her campaign. she didn't take the right approach if that was the goal, of course, but i'd say that accounts for the deletefest.
but i will also say, i think she would have a reasonable expectation of privacy on stuff like that. if you took the roughest exchanges between me and my ex-wife and made them public (which has happened to me to some extent), it would look pretty awful. really, i have emails to regret, and i'd want the apologies leaked too. but then i'd just look pathetic. you too? maybe not, but maybe. anyway, i do not look on the email scandal as disqualifying. i would no doubt read the emails if they were leaked (or the highlights in the media, anyway) with a certain voyeuristic glee. i think bill is incredibly gross, and i'm curious enough about their marriage to read about it for a day or two if it really gets spelled out. but i will also regret that the whole thing happened.
obviously, i have ragged hillary mercilessly; but man, i'm glad i don't live in that kind of spotlight. i don't see how i could stand it.