this 'trump committed treason' stuff is insane. people will say or believe anything if it suits their purposes, or if they like the conclusion they can reach from it. look, first of all, we are not at war with russia; we're coordinating with them in syria, e.g. second, it would be bad, for example, to leak secret emails to the russian intelligence services. but 'inviting' them to hack accounts to which you have no connection, or play-challenging them to hack or rather to leak what they might have already hacked, is nothing like that at all. and plus, man, have you no ear for irony and humor, or no idea what he's actually saying? just ragging hillary, alright? he's saying that she might well have made her emails available to the russian (or chinese, he said) intelligence services. ps i oppose trump. but i disapprove of self-deluded stupidity too. elected officials willy-nilly accusing american citizens of treason is an actual problem, however.