every lone shooter these days becomes three shooters (as in munich, dallas, baton rouge), wearing black and armed with long guns, terrorizing the city until they collapse back into a single unimpressive corpse. there must be something symbolic about this, for the whole multiplying shooter phenomenon takes place in the mind of authorities. they respond as though they were dealing with a supernatural being or a wild psychological projection: the father shooter, the son shooter, and the holy ghost shooter; the id shooter, the the ego shooter, and the super-ego shooter. they often insist on multiple shooters long after there can be any reason to; it's sort of a yearning or syndrome or something. it's definitely a symptom of panic, when psychological complexes emerge unfiltered.
the western tradition is just obsessed with tripartite distinctions, as in plato, catholicism, hegel, marx, freud, etc. i have no idea why. but it has nothing at all to do with the way the world is.