just a few remarks, while i register the fact again that i don't know what to say. i'm glad i'm not a tv instant pundit.
it's amazing how wrong the news accounts have been, partly coming straight from the police. that 'triangulated' ambush just wasn't, and also wasn't that likely.
aren't the instant calls for healing beginning to sound a bit ersatz or useless? feel for a while in other dimensions. there might be healing some day some way. not today or for some time for anyone for real, i believe. all the cliches are so fucking empty: time for an honest dialogue! if that's what you've got, remember that silence is an option. come back if you ever have something real to say.
i'm just going to say that the idea that you have a hundred heavily armed police at the protest against police violence specifically to 'protect' protestors (which everyone is saying all the time) is really very not honest, though the police gathering was itself not violent, one supposes. but bristling with the tools of violence. they are there to control and intimidate protestors, and out of fear. and if you're in that march and the body armor, long guns (and eventually, robot bombs) etc are there too, and they're saying they're there to protect you, your question is going to be 'protect us from what?'
don't misunderstand me to be saying that shooting is a good idea whatsoever. it's worth keeping in mind who trained micah johnson for combat.