one way or another, i guess i do think this is finally the end of trump. it is a crazed emergency in republican world and in trump tower right now. but...what a spectacle he has provided: enough to keep media/cultural studies profs, polisci types of various sorts, and scribblers of all varieties going for decades. i am telling you, however, that there is still time for hillary to get caught in a dispositive scandal. and then where would we be? personally i think we ought to ask fethullah gulen to emerge from his compound in the poconos and administer the us under martial law. or if that's not mercan enough for you, perhaps we could turn the country over to roger goodell.
notes: grab her by the pussy is really no smoother as vernacular bad english than is colin powell's dicking bimbos. i really think we need some sort standardized testing to make sure our young people can express themselves: we have just got to do better than that. anyway, these sound like they have been badly translated from the malay or something. or really, i picture them in an eastern european accent. let all this teach you again, one more time, why men want power and what they do with it when they get it.