i do think this thing where straight guys run the world is over, and thank god, for we have been grotesque oppressors with a stunted capacity for self-examination. the way trump or bill clinton think about and behave toward women seemed sort of normal for powerful dudes a couple of decades ago - think about that for a second. the swaggering mecentric fuckwad has just got to go. now, i also do have some concerns about the coming era of rule by straight women. it's worth it, no doubt, just to ameliorate rape culture. what i think is coming, though, is what we might call a verbal world: the basic mode of oppression won't be pushing you into a closet and groping you, but hedging your every utterance around with an incredibly elaborate network of taboos, which you may find yourself violating at any given time because they are too many to know. straight women operate with a metaphysics we might term rortyan: yapping produces the world, especially if we do it in unison. this will be in the service of the production of a giant ersatz collective consciousness, in which we all apparently say and believe the same thing as we transition from the yoga studio to the pet grooming place. anyway, that's really going to suck, and i myself am having a hard time shutting up in the prescribed dimensions. but at least it ain't patriarchy. anyway, perhaps donnie will be the last person to 'talk like a man' in public.
it seems like the mode of sexual assault today involves rendering the victim unconscious first? i don't know how men think about sex, i just know it displays a demented power hunger.