New piece at New Veterans Today News Home. My colleagues remain a mix of odd characters...oddly, the more anti-Semitic, the more pro-Trump which means what exactly about the alt-right and critical thinking?
Deals with the inaugural and the whole false facts, what the hell are they talking about now bit. I agree with a lot of critics to the idea that all of us -- journalists, bloggers, street singers, street preachers and street walkers need to keep just saying what? That's stupid. Are you drunk? Seek help?
I love Trump claiming that the crowds at his Inauguration were under-reported because the media is dishonest. The media may have figured out that everytime he lies, they need to just fact-check and pictures are really helpful. Have attachments from the Guardian and CNN showing that approach. If we could get an actual nude shot of Trump in the locker room at Mar Largo, that would debunk a lot, wouldn't it.
Little Mescalito for fun...