These people going for recounts or an electoral college rebellion were futile people indeed. Now, do you want to bring down Donald Trump? If there was any collusion between his campaign and Russian intel, this is fatal: obviously impeachable. Hack and leak! It's liable even to come from wikileaks or a competitor. For one thing, a person or two might have Paul Manafort or Jared Kushner's emails, and if there was communication between the Trump campaign and the Russians, the Russians have it all, with no need to hack.
You might think a Republican Congress would never impeach Donald Trump. Oh really? Lindsey Graham and John McCain have already hopped off, on this very issue. All these Republicans will suddenly gaze upon the prospect of a Pence presidency with dawning hope. Ryan will equivocate, etc.
On the other hand, maybe there's nothing there! On the other hand, maybe there is.