loRRa mid-city, a young high-end streetwear clothing line, is beginnning to flood the urban fashion scene. lmc was started in Los Angeles by a young entrepenuer known as Jiro Jocelyn. jiro grew up in mid-city los angeles, but had the opportunity to travel to his families' native countries france and japan. the guy is brilliant and has a great fashion sense; one that would allow rappers to look stylish in streets and not have to wear skirts.
the logo of the clothing line is two large RR's as shown on the back the vietnam war jacket worn in the picture above. jiro's creativity is innovative to the streets, like how he used the french children's book character barbar and the news of mexican cocaine in sharks as ideas shirts and filled in RR's in the classic nike air force 1's. people are loving it.
my art collective, stachebox kings, collaborated with jiro to realease the first set of LA Bombers shirts, which was a trend this past summer. now, baRbaR is the trend in LA along with his loRRa lighter chains and loRRa bandanas.
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